A Conversation With BARD On Diffusion Models Basics

Arun Jagota
13 min readJan 24, 2024

This post started as an attempt to write an overview article on diffusion models with the intent to explain them as intuitively as possible. As I started researching this, I realized that I was learning so much from BARD that it didn’t feel right to just evolve this post on top of this learning. Hence this format, one of collaboration.

As it turns out, the more I got into it, the more I started to feel that this really was working very well. Learning-wise, engagement-wise, empathy-wise … Read the post to its end and you’ll see what I mean.



Arun Jagota

PhD, Computer Science, neural nets. 14+ years in industry: data science algos developer. 24+ patents issued. 50 academic pubs. Blogs on ML/data science topics.